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Blog   2017-12-14   aogrand   912   

Hand washing liquid is often encountered in life, people’s ideas are to hand washing liquid can make hand cleaner, so hand sanitizer go...

Blog   2017-09-27   aogrand   1189   

In life, we often encounter ink stains on our hands, which are ugly and not easy to remove. Here are some tips for removing ink stains. ...

Blog   2017-09-15   aogrand   703   

Washing your hands, it seems, is an everyday thing, but not washing your hands or not washing your hands is a matter of health. In daily...

Blog   2017-09-14   aogrand   665   

It is often said, the hand is the second face of the woman. So we can see the importance of the visible hand maintenance. Why do some w...

Blog   2017-08-07   aogrand   694   

Preschoolers are naturally active and like to touch everything that interests them, so it is important for children to wash their hands ...

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